Thank You Jimmy Falon!

hahaha! “Snowball” by jimmy falon has been my latest insperation. all i can say is thank you. this is my first good image on my wacom.

What is it? Sure as hell isn’t a snowball :stuck_out_tongue:

AT first it remined me of pile of… s***!(not the picture, the thing in the picture) :P:P LOL:beam: lol
Maybe it’s a mix of mud n’ snow! or sth! :P:beam:

its mud and snow! good!

WOOHOO! Told ya!
=) I’m so clever I could just die! =)

well, dont die…thats just stupid…not clever

Sounds like you’re having fun. Did you just get your Wacom?

i got it for X-Mass, i just never realy knew what tools to use with it. this is a 5px pencil. but Edwin uses something diff, i think he does it in painter, but i cant find it there either. but yeah i am still in the fooling around stage, i really like it. i just cant draw. but hey, i will get better, it just takes time.

*Originally posted by *
hahaha! “Snowball” by jimmy falon has been my latest insperation. all i can say is thank you. this is my first good image on my wacom.

…first good image huh? =) interesting…good try, but i think you need MUCH MUCH more practice… =) =)

i shouldn’t be …smirking tho…if you saw my drawings on paper you would laugh your a$$ off 2… :slight_smile:

edit: shouldn’t snowballs be round? if i made a snowball like that there is no way i could hit anyone in the head with it…it would break on impact with no force!! :*( then retaliation would be swift and i would be buried in a pile of snow :frowning:


So what do you think of my plan to escape?

I think it is detailed well for being a snowball lol :wink:

I don’t even have a WACOM, I suck so bad at free hand I wouldn’t even want one!

well its melting! thats why its not round! see the water?!

Ooooooooooooooooh…thats water!! now i see!!! where is the reflection tho?

I know it’s melting! I never said all snowballs were perfect spheres…

:stuck_out_tongue: :crazy: :stuck_out_tongue:

but mak did…lol. and mak, you try drawing a reflection in THAT much water lol…

forget drawing it…just fliip and lower opacity…like 30 sec job :stuck_out_tongue:

lol, its saved as a .txt file for linking purposes lol…was wondering why when i clicked save as it came up as .txt

lol i will upload a .jpg or .psd if you want. but not till 2m

na don’t worry i just copied and pasted :slight_smile: did you see the reflection? i admit its not the best reflection ever made but it does give the drawing more depth

back on subject, mdipi, I just got my tablet, ill upload some crap next week (on different comp at diff house). I discovered that the brushes dont work as well in photoshop 7 as in 6 and before. Use the airbrush. trust me. looks tight. but remember, dig up your old photoshop and install it.

which footer? the bush one?? Bush is one the funniest “man” alive…i bet thats what he would say