Photoshop Tennis Battle


More asses to whooop :bad:

Well sucka’s prepare to have your Photoshop ***** handed to u.:bad:


When is this battle going to begin? I hope soon!

It has begun said in deep dramatic voice

  • Soul :s:

In that case…

i need to get a hold of my partner :smiley:

Well it hasnt’ so much started yet. We still need the original pics.

I’m uploading them now. :beam:

Available here:

#2 is a 404

Oops, my bad.

Forgot to add the /extra to the path. Fixed now. :slight_smile:

And they’re off!! fires starter pistol

VisualAid, i’ve tried to contact you by email, but they wouldn’t work :confused:

i sent you a big pm

if needs be use my dad’s it always works or

:slight_smile: go read ur pm.

hehe we’ve already started w00t…this is so gonna rock

So have we! :sure:

having fun :beam:

how’s it coming ya’ll?
it’s going well over here so far