Photoshop Tennis

Here’s the poll for the Photoshop tennis battle.

Entrants may vote, though not for their own piece. If you’d like to post your comments and reasons for voting that would be great, I’m sure all of the participants would appreciate the feedback.

As usual, voting will be open for two weeks, or until one of the entries hits 30 votes.

To read the spam, click this link:






should we spam random to draw some atteniton here?

Definitely :evil:

no need, the one I voted for is obviously better and therefore should win!


Come on, share your vote. :slight_smile:

Who’s was it Sen? :wink:

Maybe we should list of the steps we did to get the end result? List the steps not show them.


i voted for number two. it was between the first one and the second one, but in the end i just liked the less grung look for this one.

thanx Mike:)

i voted for british punks, i dunno why i like lol
but its just somehting i liked

nice works guys :thumb:



huh huh… they forgot our team name… sniff

I went for the North Americans…

Where’s tha beers Soul? :bad: