Photoshop Tools

Call me an idiot, but where on earth is the Direct Selection Tool in Photoshop 7? I’m trying to find the thing (it’s the white arrow icon), but I must be blind.

Anyone? :hangover:

Hm, in my ps its in the upper right corner, and on the left side of it, there is the black arrow…

it’s right under your nose!
it might be a black arrow for you but just click on the black one and hold and then from the drop-down-menu like menu choose the white one.

[EDIT]c!ryx - i think she’s refferring to the white arrow(direct selection!), not the black one[/EDIT]

Thanks a lot guys - don’t know how on earth I managed to miss that. I think I must have gone through every box except that one.

God, do I feel stoopid…:sigh:

You feel stoopid? No biggie! If one can’t find a tool in paint <— no that’s stoopid! but actually it’s just a matter of paying attention (which is very hard after a long-night work for example) :slight_smile:

hups, maybe I was confused by this so easy question… ;D

Well, it’s 5pm here and I have been at work all day. Still got an hour to go, but I’m playing around with Photoshop making metal interfaces, and couldn’t find the tool to save my <i>life</i>…

Argh, I’m too used to drawing in Flash. :smirk:

London and Germany is one hour different, or ?

I don’t like drawing in Flash, maybe you should draw your things in Fireworks, if you are already familiar with this style of progs.

Kit are you new to photoshop 7? I had a bit of a hard time adjusting to 7 cause they got rid of some features and rearranged some other features. :-\

I dont like 7. 6 is the best. Has good tools and the airbrush still worked with a Wacom.

morse. 7 is way better. six is good for drawing and junk. but if you are serious about it just use Painter, Classic comes with it…a drawing type of PS does too…

I dont have much preference for either - 6 or 7 is fine with me. I DO wish I could find the ‘correct’ way to effectively use the pattern maker though. I was psyched when I first heard about that feature but I totally cant use it the way I think I want to use it… it just all becomes crappy. I dont get it :-\

how so crap?