this question is REALLY bothering me…this is the thing.
My friend thinks that Paintshop is better than Photoshop and he is ofcourse using it. BUT…i am the one that thinks (and knows!) that Photoshop is better. SO…i can’t convince him that photoshop is better until i know a good reason. As i looked into Paintshop i found out it has all functions that Photoshop has. And the main reason that i’m writing this is this question…
When it comes to software, I like to think that it’s all about preference. If your friend feels more comfortable using Paintshop, then good for him.
However, one thing about Photoshop is that it’s an industry standard. I think when it comes to looking for design jobs, you’ll find that most employers value Photoshop skills. Rarely do they require knowledge of Paintshop.
I agree with RenaissanceGirl. But PaintShop is easier to use for a newbie than PhotoShop. Also, PhotoShop has simple features that PaintShop doesn’t have… sometimes I wonder why the programmers of PaintShop didn’t think of those, they are so obvious. I don’t really have a particular choice in this. PaintShop is not as heavy as PhotoShop for slow machines, but that’s all for me.
so does paintshopro. It’s a nice clean and easy one to use…
Anyway photoshop is indeed a reference because of the color handlings (i dont think PSP does have the Pantone rating and all that), ease of layer use, vector images, brushes, filters, etc ettc…
As electrongeek said. The combination of PS and ImageReady is really the best to make static homepage design. You can do everything in PS and then Slice it and everything.
It simply roxx
Just kidding my man, I dont hate them at all - I just prefer my PC is all but I do have some love for the Mac crowd
As for Paint Shop - I have used it a couple of times but nothing even close to the amount that would let me say one is better than the other. I do use photoshop every single day though and love it.
I used to use PhotoShop V5… But was given PSP7.0 for christmas… I must say i prefer PSP to PS, and all plugins that work for PS works in PSP… I think PSP is easier for noobs like me…
Hey… I thought I would jump on the bandwagon and talk about this stuff as well… a couple years back when I got into digital art I had paint shop pro cuz it was cheap and I really liked it back then… eventually I ended up getting Photoshop.
I definately prefer photoshop over paint shop because there is so much more you can do. Like others have said, its about what your comfortable with. If you can make great looking images in Paintshop then good for you! same for photoshop.
I think Paintshop is much better for beginners.
I wouldnt be able to comment on which one is better , but i’m a dedicated photoshop user, like mariofan and rengirl said photoshop format psd, is accepted by alot of the industry standard application such as illustrator, indesign2 fireworks ect…
I was a dedicated Paintshop pro user back in the day. That’s where I got started - as stated above by someone else, it is significantly cheaper than PS. Later I decided to switch to PS since it was required by my company. I have been using it since.
I’ started using Paintshop at version 3, because I couldn’t afford Photoshop at the time. HUGE difference in price. At one time I tried to use Photoshop 6, and didn’t find it enough of a step up to justify the learning curve to switch, so I still use Paintshop Pro 7.
However, if you are only creating graphics for the web then, in my opinion, the most powerful tool on the market today is Macromedia’s Fireworks. I’m still learning the software, but I’ve seen Rev do stuff with it in a matter of minutes that would take me a couple of hours with Paintshop and Dreamweaver.