Graphics Program

So just to get things straight the “best” or graphic prog that should be first in the Arsenal is …[fill in the blanks]

photoshop!!! you use it with everything… :wink:

Photoshop. Case closed.

I lost my photoshop installation disc. It will be well missed

*Originally posted by Phat7 *
**Photoshop. Case closed. **


i second that … no no
i 4th that :stuck_out_tongue:

I’d have to agree with everyone else and say Photoshop. :slight_smile:

I use that by far the most for my day-to-day web work. Illustrator is a close second for all my vector / line art though. :slight_smile:

I used to have minions from Pertemps & Adecco to do graphics. But the minions have to do data inputting now as Graphics was too creative and showed them the light at the end of the tunnel


(Errr Photoshop really, but I am a Photoshop n00b) :slight_smile:


*Originally posted by Skinny_T *
**I lost my photoshop installation disc. It will be well missed **

hahahahah…me too. I hope I do not have to re-install.

But I have to be a lil differet and say Fireworks…But I could not do without PS either…screw get em both.

And the rant and roar of the crowd carries on!



in a “RUDY RUDY RUDY” fashion

^for those of you who don’t know that movie- go watch it!

yeah Photoshop.

MS Paint. case closed.

I use Fireworks almost exclusively… I have PS for certain things (I still use 6), but I use FW every single day multiple times. Of course 95% of my work ends up on the web, not print…


Photoshop, but a good CGraphist uses a bunch of programs so I cant really say PS on its own… =)

Im with rev I even use FW for my print sometimes…I use ILL too. really like mlk said you cannt just have 1 and expect to be good. Or should I say versatile.

Man I feel oldschool…

I use Photoshop and Illustrator, never tried Freehand or Fireworks before.

For print I use Illustrator, Photoshop and Quark Express.

If Photoshop/ImageReady and Fireworks were all one program, that would be it. But its not. And I use Fireworks probably most doing more web work… the f-ing back and forth between PS and IR really pisses me off.

Otherwise, I feel like I have more control in Fireworks. Photoshop just has more of the filters I need/use.

oh yeah and I HATE Quark with a passion.

LOL, Quark is definitely not a WYSIWYG program. Things look like crap on stage, but comes out crisp when printed. I also hate the shortcuts, I’m use to PS shortcuts so I always get mixed up.

*Originally posted by senocular *
**If Photoshop/ImageReady and Fireworks were all one program, that would be it. But its not. And I use Fireworks probably most doing more web work… the f-ing back and forth between PS and IR really pisses me off.

Otherwise, I feel like I have more control in Fireworks. Photoshop just has more of the filters I need/use.

oh yeah and I HATE Quark with a passion. **

I point my FW to the PS filters, and they are useable!

and I can’t stand Quark… I have to use it in a project I’m currently doing… aaaarrrrrrggggghhhh!
