Photoshopped kid

**Whoever it is sure had a lot of photochops made of him… LoL… but they’re hilarious… and they were all made from the first picture, apparently… **



*Originally posted by redGolgi *
**doesnt he kinda look like a puffy version of that chick form the bee gees? **

The Bee Gee’s Consisted of three guys

Whahaha that is awesome@@@@

*Originally posted by Phil Jayhan *
**I just hotlinked this phrom his server, so perhaps when he sees all the hits on this hotlink he will come and check it out and see all our handiwerk-

who knows, perhaps he can translate—
wouldn’t it be phun to have him as a guest appearance here at kirupaville?


I guess I cant hotlink it; :frowning:
pj :stuck_out_tongue: **

Hi, i’m “princo” webmaster of

Today i found your hotlink :red: in the logs.

I got so much traffic at my site, but my pics are protected against direct linking, so setting your hotlink was not significant to the stats.

Why didn’t made an entry in the guestbook? I switched the navigation in the GB to english, to satisfy your needs.

Now i’m very glad to discover your forum with many fresh pics. I will take them to my gallery :?) They will appear tomorrow, because my webhoster send me a mail about the heavy traffic on my site, so i had to switch the location of the gallerie temporarily to a Tripod-Site :a:
Feel free to leave a sign in my guestbook.

Only use for linking.

I will attach a fresh new pic: “Beatles”

rofl thats hillarious princo… :smiley:

great works princo :thumb: well, i guess you will have a significant addition to your gallery now that you’ve found the forums :slight_smile:

*Originally posted by Phat7 *
**great works princo :thumb: well, i guess you will have a significant addition to your gallery now that you’ve found the forums :slight_smile: **

To keep it clear: i dunno one of this pics, i only could try to get it all and present them in a gallery.

I try to get some background information of the young boy, but the only thing i found are the amazing “ChinaPhotos” with the boy inside (unmodified). So i decided to present them too.

It sounds easy, but it’s very hard to collect the pictures, i had to analyze the logfiles to find other places with new pics, i had to register in many forums, study and comment the threads, downloading, uploading, reindexing, converting the dynamic Pages to static pages, uplod the static pages to backup-locations etc.

The page is currently on such an backup-location (Tripod), and so there might be banners on it.

I make no money with that, but my greatest wishes are a few more greetings in the guestbook :nerd:
Maybe i could announce a final “Christmas-Special” for tomorrow :?)

big cheers for that guy…lord of the rings pic is excellent.

played around with the Kid, the Bride, and Fireworks MX


*Originally posted by dessoya *
**pue français **
And what is that supposed to mean? :bad: :evil: :m:

the king.

Who would of thought that one little fat kid could of bought so much enjoyment… hehe

sorry to revive this old thread… but did anyone save the other pictures? there are a lot of broken links now :frowning: lol