PHP Form


I have a problem php recognising my flash variables, I am using textInput boxes from the components section.

This is my code:

// set some variables
mailform = "mailform.php";
confirm = "thank you a confirmation email has been sent to your email address.";
action = "send";
error1 = "valid email required";
error2 = "input required";
// and focus on variable fname

// validate email function
function validate(address) {
	if (address.length>=7) {
		if (address.indexOf("@")>0) {
			if ((address.indexOf("@")+2)<address.lastIndexOf(".")) {
				if (address.lastIndexOf(".")<(address.length-2)) {
					return (true);
	return (false);
// clear form
function clearform() {
	name.text = "";
	company.text = "";
	number.text = "";
	email.text = "";
	from.text = "";
	to.text = "";
	weight.text = "";
// form check
function formcheck() {
	if ((((email.text == null)) || (email.text.length<1)) || (email.text == "valid email required")) {
		email.text = error1;
		action = "";
	if (!validate(email.text)) {
		email.text = error1;
		action = "";
	if ((name.text == null) || (name.text == "")) {
		name.text = error2;
		action = "";
	if ((company.text == null) || (company.text == "")) {
		company.text = error2;
		action = "";
	if ((number.text == null) || (number.text == "")) {
		number.text = error2;
		action = "";
	if ((from.text == null) || (from.text == "")) {
		from.text = error2;
		action = "";
	if ((to.text == null) || (to.text == "")) {
		to.text = error2;
		action = "";
	if ((weight.text == null) || (weight.text == "")) {
		weight.text = error2;
		action = "";
	if ((validate(email.text)) && (email.text != error1) && (name.text != "") && (name.text != error2) && (company.text != "") && (company.text != error2) && (number.text != "") && (number.text != error2) && (from.text != "") && (from.text != error2) && (to.text != "") && (to.text != error2) && (weight.text != "") && (weight.text != error2)) {
		action = "send";
		loadVariablesNum(mailform, 0, "POST");

my php code is:


$adminaddress = ""; 
$siteaddress =""; 
$sitename = "Keep Couriers"; 

//No need to change anything below ... 
// Gets the date and time from your server
$date = date("m/d/Y H:i:s");

// Gets the IP Address
if ($REMOTE_ADDR == "") $ip = "no ip";
else $ip = getHostByAddr($REMOTE_ADDR);

// Gets the POST Headers - the Flash variables
$action = $HTTP_POST_VARS['action'] ;
$email = $HTTP_POST_VARS['email.text'] ;
$name = $HTTP_POST_VARS['name'] ;
$company = $HTTP_POST_VARS['company.text'] ;
$number = $HTTP_POST_VARS['number.text'] ;
$from = $HTTP_POST_VARS['from.text'] ;
$to = $HTTP_POST_VARS['to.text'] ;
$weight = $HTTP_POST_VARS['weight.text'] ;

//Process the form data!
// and send the information collected in the Flash form to Your nominated email address

if ($action == "send") {
	mail ("$adminaddress","Info Request",
	"A visitor at $sitename has left the following information

	Name: $name 
	Email: $email

	The visitor commented:
	From: $company
	Contact Me On $number
	I want a quote for delivering a parcel $from
	to $to
	at an approximate weight of $weight
	Logged Info :
	Hostname: $ip
	IP address: $REMOTE_ADDR
	Date/Time:  $date","FROM:$adminaddress" ) ; 
	//This sends a confirmation to your visitor
	mail ("$email","Thank You for visiting $sitename", 
	"Hi $name,

	Thank you for your interest in $sitename!

	$siteaddress","FROM:$adminaddress") ; 
	//Confirmation is sent back to the Flash form that the process is complete
	$sendresult = "Thank you. You will receive a confirmation email shortly.";
	$send_answer = "answer=";
	$send_answer .= rawurlencode($sendresult);
	echo $send_answer;
} //


Many thanks in advance