I am planning a forum. These are my primary prospects phpbb and vbulletin. phpbb seems to be free and has cool features and vbulleting you have to pay for but seems to have cool features also. My question: Which one is better and are there any pros and cons that anyone has experienced to using one over the other.
Also I will most definately be skinning it. Is one easier to skin over the other? Any advice and user experience greatly appreciated.
1 for phpbb…thanks eilsoe…I really want to skin it and I know no php so it has to be pretty much dumb proof. Also the ability to add mods would be cool also.
When I got my first PHPbb board, I had NO clue what I was doing, but it only took me a few days to get into the PHP code. I learned some of it myself. And all I did was open one PHP file after another and look for recognizable design parts, ie. table setups etc…
I found them, and I started fiddling with them, and I actually succeeded…
But I guess it’s the same thing with vBulletin… You have to get into the code to get it right…
Skinning on the other hand, is just a matter of changing one image to another.
another part of skinning is rearranging stuff, and THAT’s when you have to get your hands dirty…
1and1.com DDD, 3 years free and you can get a domain for 5.99/year. :thumb:
You don’t have to give credit card info or anything, its completely legit. the only thing that might freak you out is they have to call you, but its just a machine that gives you an auth number.
Invision board is great, that is what I have been always using, but now it is not for free anymore ;( So I will probably soon change to phpbb, also because it is easier to skin it
you won’t find one. they’re comparable in many ways, except
the cost. I think for a free product, phpbb is one of the best
products available, even for a software.
I just pay every year to get access to their free updates - about $85 a year. I liked vBulletin more than phpBB a few years ago, but things may have changed since then.