Picture editing problem

hi when i import a bitmap pic in my movie thing it wont let me edit it like it wont let me draw on it or cut things out of it at all. can someone please help

That’s because Flash MX isn’t a bitmap handling program… You can put the bitmap in a layer… Then create a blank layer over top of it and then draw on it… Then alls you have to do is merge the two layers… That should give you a similar effect then.

playamarz :player:

You can select the image and press Ctrl B, this will break the image apart and allow you to cut parts of it.

That works? I thourgh that was for text or groups of objects created in Flash… I didn’t think it worked for bitmaps…

Oh well… Wouldn’t you have to trace it first though?!

playamarz :player:

You don’t have to trace bitmap it, you can just select the image and break it apart, it will allow you to cut blocks out of the image, but if you want to do precise cuts then you’ll have to trace bitmap it.