Why can i not edit stuff ou with the Lasso tool!!
When I go to cut out a part of an image that I imported, it just disapears … like, in graphics programs, it makes the dotted lines for the area you are about to edit… here, it doesn’t… it just GOES AWAY!!
I need to cut out a part on a picture!! HELP!!
you cant edit rasterized images from an outside source, flash can only edit vector based stuff. If you want to edit that image then edit it in photoshop or another similar program. I know in flash MX you can take an image and turn it into vector by going to modify, trace bitmap and then you can edit it since its now vector, but I’m not sure about flash 5.
You can edit it if you break it apart (CTRL B), then the lasso tool will select portions of that image…
wow i never knew you could do that! is that the same thing as trace bitmap?
no, try this out…
take a relatively small (100x100 ) image, break it apart…
then take the paint bucket, click on the color to get the eyedropper tool, “choose” the image…
now draw a large rectangle (say 400x400 ) and watch what happens…
oh cool, its a bitmap fill, thanks for clarifying. I just learn something new today. =)
and it tiles!
This comes in handy for backgrounds, etc…