:p: Wasup Fellas, im trying to open up my own personal portfolio website…please comment on the design below and tell me what u like and what u dont like and what u would like to see…thanks :p:
don’t like the text in the top corner, and it’s a little boring… really needs something central to focus on, a logo? graphic?
very magaziney though, if that’s what you’re going for.
ya true i didn’t like the text either i dont know why i put it there???
well, imo it’s way too busy, i’d certainly lower the opacity of the bg, that’s way too hard on the eyes, and i don’t like url and the emailadress in the topleft of the frame, feels a bit out of place
What the hell is up with the color pink lately?? It’s like every person on the web as just been waiting for someone else to use pink so they can too.
i wouldn’t mind if it is too busy, if the blue area in the middle would be “strong” enough to counter the large pink pattern. basically balance comes if you oppose large brighter areas with small darker areas (not vice versa :)), so perhaps if you balance out your layout (change/darken the blue in the middle, or add something “behind” the blue part) it might be easier on the eye.
hope this helps…