Pixel fonts -AGAIN!

so I have a menu with some tex (pixel fonts) with a screen res of 96 dpi (WIn XP) they look crap of course… then I changed the res back to 72dpi, turned off Antialias text and rendered! AND they still look like crap!! especially the "D"s…

ideas, thoughts??


what you have is not a true pixel font, but what’s called a bitmap
font instead. It’s not meant to be used in flash, but in photoshop
and other graphic programs.

here’s a good start at some true flash fonts –

ahhh…intersting…I thought there wasn’t a differnce…but!

anyways…thanks and I’ll guess I’ll change that!


*Originally posted by UNFLUX *
**what you have is not a true pixel font, but what’s called a bitmap
font instead. It’s not meant to be used in flash, but in photoshop
and other graphic programs.

here’s a good start at some true flash fonts –
Index of /aliasfonts **

Slight correction:

The difference between a Photoshop and a Flash pixel font isn’t whether it is bitmap or not (well that I have noticed), the difference is that Flash will anti-alias anything that doesn’t fall on exact pixels, but Photoshop has the text property to turn off anti-aliasing no matter what. So a Photoshop pixel font doesn’t always have to fall on exact pixels, but a Flash pixel font does.

well…of course I’m setting them NOT on a fraction…I though there would be a direct difference between bitmap and pixel fonts?! so, is there?!

anyways…I’m unsing butdust 2, so if anyone has an idea of how I can substite this one against one that actually works, I’d be very thankful!


Well whether or not you set them not on a fraction, if the font itself is built on fraction it doesn’t really matter :-\

The only way to use a pixel font in flash and have it be clear is to use a pixel font that is specially created to work on exact pixels.

You can get these fonts from places like







[size=1]Note: links taken from the great list of useful tutorials and resources


thanks for the infos… very useful stuff!
