Pixel People

Tsk tsk… You need a hobby to occupy your mind Eilsoe. :slight_smile:

X-Rated smilies, whatever next? On second thoughts don’t answer that… :slight_smile:

wooohoo, my first pixel person. :smiley:

very nice

Ok here is waht i got so far.


What u think?

i like it. maybe you should link the pictures to people’s profiles?

Ya that is the next step maybe a mod could move this thread to random so more ppl will see it.

looks very nice. i was going to use that idea for my footer lol. but i am just using mine.

Ok so it liks t oevryones Kirupa Profile now. Take a look and make sure i havent’ missed linked anyone


seems fine here

Want me to move this to Random?

wow sintax, awesome idea and very nice result so far.

working on mine now

kit maybe you should…its cool cause this is starting when KVille never did…

heres mine

tell me if its too small, i have a really high resolution and cant really tell

hehe what about you * switch* to a smaller resolution ???

Wow, I didn’t know you were going to be putting them into Flash sintax, that is awesome!!!

I find the hover captions hard to read though :frowning:

Well… I see this wasn’t moved to Random yet, I think I will move it there now.

way cool …

get it… cool… Great White North… coool…

nevermind… nice job…


Travis, why dont you just save one of ours as a .gif and then open it and replace the colours and stuff? i kept the body and changed everything else…but that looks fine

Mines “highly modified”…lol. I had to change the hair to be spiky and crazy, then my giant almost bellbottom like trousers were added, and then my eyes and mouth were changed. And I think I changed the way the shirt is… can’t remember, must go look…

… eh… slightly.

i changed my shirt to Z, it was origanaly going to say ZYC like with the Y going through the Z, but it didnt work out. so it just looks like a cool Z. lol. but the shirt needed to be longer, so i made it longer, and teh pants were fine, just colour changed them. but you cand see the shirt changes

Na the size is alright hojo.

LIB ya i’m going to take the alpha off the caption and mak it soild. is the text size ok?

Thanks for moving this to random. I hope more ppl post the pixel ppl.