Pixel People

i just realized mine has a big head compared to the rest of the body. :\

This is a really cool idea, I love it. I am sad that the Kirupaville thread didn’t take off, but I guess smaller pixel people are much easier to make than pixel communities, so maybe this will take off more.

The text size looks fine to me. I was thinking of another way to have the names be shown, I will see if I can get it working then show you.

why not a dynamic text box on the bottom that when rolled over the person says the name?

Ok I Added “soul” and “hojo” to the swf. And i took off the alpha on the caption box.


Ya LIB I was thinking of having a couple of imput boxs to the side that would contatin more info on each person. Just used the hover captions becase the are quick. Ya if you wnat to work something out to make the names dissplay better be my guest.

Thanks for all the comments guys. Every one who submits a charachter should get a big thank you as well though.

sintax, can i give an updated version? this is a bit lighter, sorry for any inconvinence

…yea, i might wanna update too… i need to get rid of my big head. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

ya sure it doesnt’ take much to switch out the gifs for new ones. The charachters themseves are not buttons so it is really easy.

one thing i noticed Sintax, when you get to you, the hover caption is cut off, then when you get you soul, his name barley fits…

thats a good idea bout mine mdipi, i should just borrow someone elses picture and color it, mine kinda came out bad. i might do one more realistic of what i look like.

changing resolutions though…ehh then my icons on my desktop get all moved around and stuff :frowning:

The size of yours is nor problem Hojo. Only change it if u want too. As long as they aren’t huge it is fine.

Ok sintax, it’s a rushed job, but check the attachment. I gotta go finish laundry now, I had to rush the file because the buzzer went off on my washing machine just as I was in the middle of doing this.

Let me know what you think.

That is killer Lost. I’m changing it right now.

hey, add mine!

lost and you call that a rush job? thats like a month job for me! wow i just gotta stick with AS, i am almost done with the movie clip chapter :love: well anyways that is amazing!

hey sintax, heres my new one. the old one kinda looked like sh*t…the body didnt fit the head before and this ones actually me.

new 'n

really fun, great idea again sintax

hahah that one looks sooo cool

mine is updated, i like it more.

GAH. ait, my head isnt a box. forget that last post. :smiley:

*Originally posted by mdipi.com *
**lost and you call that a rush job? thats like a month job for me! wow i just gotta stick with AS, i am almost done with the movie clip chapter :love: well anyways that is amazing! **

:slight_smile: Thanks mdipi. Yeah, that was a rush job, here is the new… more optimized code.

[AS]xPos = nameClip._x;
speed = 3;
MovieClip.prototype.slideIn = function(name) {
endX = xPos-100;
nameClip.memberName.text = name;
nameClip.onEnterFrame = function() {
this._x += Math.round((endX-this._x)/speed);
this._x<=endX+1 ? delete nameClip.onEnterFrame : null;
MovieClip.prototype.slideOut = function() {
endX = xPos;
nameClip.onEnterFrame = function() {
this._x += Math.round((endX-this._x)/speed);
this._x>=endX-1 ? delete nameClip.onEnterFrame : null;

So sintax, you should update the actions to that.