holy crap the new thing looks good, very awesome!
wheres kirupa?
holy crap the new thing looks good, very awesome!
wheres kirupa?
i get like some of it…kinda like what some does…but its really confusing…that stuff is next chapter runs off to read
wtf? i have been posting at the same time as everyone today like crazy, this is #3 in 5 minz
heh, i know how you feel about that code mdipi, half of that would be as if i were to read another language (well, it literally is reading another language…actionscripting)
Ok i added LIB’s new code. Also new “hojo” and “reViper” charachters.
We don’t have one of kirupa yet no one has made one.
Also if some one could make a pixel background for it that would be great. I was thinking just some blue sky and clouds and maybe a grassy hill would be nice. But if you can think of something differnt I will consider it.
…ok, i think this is better…
Ok i added “lavaboy” i almost missed your post. And “redViper” you newset one. That is also your last one for a while so i hope you like it
hate to do this to you again sintax, but if you wouldn’t mind tossing this one in instead i’d be muchos greatful. i changed it so you can see his arms now instead of just a big black box there
thanks :pope:
sintax, yes i like it.
one for kirupa… i dont care if you dont use it, but i tried…
Ok added new “hojo” that was your last change for a while too. I’m going to use the one redViper made for “kirupa” but if kirupa wants it chnaged we will do so.
thats funny, you even got his unibrow in there
sorry about all that changin sintax, but thanks and i dont think i’ll be changin again
…of course, how could I forget?
Ok i added in The big K man himself. I also made his unibrow a little thicker and filed in some missed pixels in his face. Please keep posting and i’ll be making more changes in about 3 hours so if you want something done for then start posting. Later and thanks for making this a success.
Da da da daaa…my first pixel person has arrived…
hey, we have more than one girl here, thats cool i thought we were all just a bunch of losers who hanged out at their houses and used the forums all day.
haha… I’m checking out Kit!
Added “Seretha Blaze”
sweet. thanks sintax.
sintax when you get a chance, my name is a bit spelled wrong…i hate to sound all like mighty or anyting, just letting you know.
and just because Mike said something…
it’s reverendflash, not reverendFlash…
I know, anal retentive pastry chef…
I’ve heard it before…
BTW - TIVO’d Red Green’s Ducttape Forever the other nite, you want me to send you a VHS (Canadians use VHS don’t they?) copy?..
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