please have a look at my web site and i’m eager to listen your expert comments on it. Though it’s not 100% complete yet, i can’t stop my enthusiam to listen what u guys say about it.:cowboy:
I like it, but I’m sure I’m less critical than some will be. It looks a lot like other stuff that I’ve seen, but it is smooth loading, and functional.
Love the name. I am a big fan of Krishna’s word. Also our illustrious leader Kirupa will be glad to know there are more fellow Indians joining up.
Welcome to Kirupa
groovy…keep it up…cant wait to see it finished…!!!
seems nice. subtle but since its not finished, i cant say more but maybe even at this stage some better transitions for the boxes or something. the eye loves movement. try to animate it in a sense that when u open it things fall in one by one (or however u see fit) so that it doesnt just fall on me suddenly.
just a thought