Site check - my portfolio

Hey everyone. I often visit, checking out all the sites and tutorials and stuff, and have always wanted to post a link for critique and such, just never have. Anyways, I’ve finally decided to do so, please check out my portfolio and lemme know what you think. Any suggestions would be great. Thanks!


he, first of all I like the name, sounds like “****, g” :slight_smile:
ok, more objective stuff now. I don’t like the splash very much, change the font and the image to the left.
the main page is ok. the transitions aren’t really smooth and the pixel fonts are blurry here and there. and maybe you should add a rollout animation to the portfolio sub-menue, but otherwise it’s a good site, I like the colours and layout. you just have to polish it a bit.

first thing i noticed: your image to the left of the front page is pixelly, so change that up. The next thing that i noticed was your pretty bg colour. oooooh, yummy grey.

and then i waited. for ever. help us 56kers out and smack a preloader on your movie.


Hey, thanks for the replies, I made a couple changes to the splash page now. As for the rest of the site, I’m gonna be working on those changes (like the preloader). Any other comments, feel free :}

It’s too big for my screen. Im usin 1024x768, but i’m missin a fair bit. Very odd background image! INteresting menu though.

Hello again;
I just made some changes by your replies (thank you very much btw). I added a preloader to the main movie. Added a transition for closing the portfolio menu.
Tried to make the text more legible as well. I was working with the transitions of the site, any suggestions on how to make the transitions smoother? Thanks!

(and I’m going to work on making it smaller so it fits at 1024x768)

for smoother transitions make sure your at 30 fps and you can use easing, in the property inspector.

thx for the preloader. is there any way you can break the movie up so that it’s not so big? like loading external swfs? the wait’s a bit of a put off but i’m not complaining b/c i’m a patient young chap. but it’d be nice to have many sections that load as opposed to one big one. *whoops, i guess you sorta did… i wonder why it’s so big, then… :frowning:

it’s not bad, but it could use some spiciness (sp?). not really sure what your best bet there is.

all i can say is make sure your using 30fps, and use easing. that should fix your transitions.

…and one more tiny thing… the txt box that holds you total bytes on the right side of you loade isn’t wide enough, the 3 gets chopped off.
