Please Check This Out

Hey, guys. I would appreciate some critiques/comments about my new [SIZE=4]site[/SIZE]. Give it to me straight, I know I’ve got a long way to go.


Uh pal… Need a site.


click on the word “site”

haha not another one, this isn’t the first time someone has posted in site check and forgot to leave a link…:beam:

click “site”. sorry thought it was obvious

Oh I didn’t even notice that the word “site” was a link. Here are my comments about the site:

  1. First off the logo isn’t original, it looks similar to JL audio’s logo.

  2. The overall layout is clean, but the holiday thing is over, but I guess it just needs to be updated.

  3. The winamp style music player is cool, but it doesn’t match the overall layout. I can see there’s a hide feature for it, but I think it would also be interesting if it was draggable which isn’t really important, but adds something extra.

What’s the grey box at the bottom for? Is it for something that I over looked?

the bottom “gray” is a java applet. it is gray while it’s loading, did it not come up?

that link was not there earlier you added it…you aint slick… That is very close to the jl audio logo. Hey it is no longer the holidays. And it is that applet? My God I hate applets…especially that one…reminds of when the web was all applets. That is strictly personal. Other than that it is pretty clean and simple.

it actually was there, i just made the word “site” bigger when people didn’t notice it. i swear, i’m not an idiot.
i’ll have to check out the JL audio logo.

The applet didn’t load for me even after a few minutes of waiting so I didn’t know what it was for. :-\

It did not promplt you to download the java virtual machine? Hey billy you will be surprised how many peeps cannot see applets. It really is not worth it for what you are using it for. SOme use it for menus. You might wanna rethink using it. Also do you have both the tar and jar file in the directory??

Nope, nothing popped up. :-\

That applet is bad get rid of it. It takes for ever to load and then slows things down once it is. It is very tacky.

hey thanks guys, i removed the applet as advised. what do you think of the rest of the site? it’s my first crack at a (nearly) full flash site. i’m curious if I get the point across. i would love opinoins, negative or otherwise.

or opinions (sorry, i’m intoxicated at the moment)

The site is very clean, it is pretty nice for the first time site.