Check my site

it’s a full flash site

I thought your intro was a bit boring and I didn’t like the colors used. Green, white and black just didnt go to well here the way you had it setup.

The graphics used on your buttons are pixelated and have no meaning what so ever, I don’t see how they relate to the topics they link too so it makes it look unprofessional.

The sound gets annoying after awhile and I tried to see if I could turn it off, but you didn’t make any kind of feature for that so that’s something you should work on as well.

Your text is bold and blurry which makes it very difficult to read. Maybe not using bold would help or maybe another font.

Also work on some kind of transition between the sections so that your site would look more smooth.

Overall, I think you still have a long way to go and a lot of work to do still, keep at it and good luck. =)

i went on ur site just the other day are u on geocities i think i was bodding around the members directory but anyway

yeh i thought the sound was ■■■■ annoying on its second loop round

I quite liked the navigation but yeh they not related to wot its linked to but u know anyway i quite liked it but change the sound


I think before you learn flash you should learn more about design, visual concepts, layout, etc. I don’t mean to sound harsh but the site is poorly designed and the audio is annoying. Spend a little more time thinking about the visual presentation of your portfolio.

i hate popups

Togarashi: Don’t try this at home

i agree with EG. i look forward to seeing a flash intro page as fast and entertaining.

i just don’t like it, coz’ I’m in bad mood, and that makes it even worse. Sorry dude!