Please siteCheck my site,… Saw anything u like or dislike? Please let me know… advise suggestions and ideas are more than welcome. The url is
For those who dont know dutch; click on the button that says ‘naar site’ to enter the site or ‘bewaar score’ to save ur score…
Please let me know what u think of it
Oh n BTW… since ur there anyway… please leave a message in my guestbook…
very nice on the opening bit u could make the buttons a little clearer i know a little dutch so i was ok you could maybe make a seperate english version for the less dutch minded of us, lol. the preloader was cool simple but cool, definately for the people who struggle with eyes yeh funky i liked the filing cabinet on the portfolio page as well
Thanx a bill for letting me know what u think of it.
Indeed I was thinking about an english version of
the site aswell. Maybe it’s time I get started on it.
Thanx a lot…
On other forums i hear a lot that something is
missing but that they cant really tell what. Do u
agree? Does it maybe need some background
sound? Is it perhaps to empty?
maybe a few ambient loops wud make it funky, but i like it, maybe a different colour scheme its a little dull but it fits so i dunno try some diff schemes out