Sharif, this site is about learning, not giving an order for someone else to do it.
I went to and found that they are using exactly what was in the
tutorial at Kirupa that I pointed you to.
That tutorial pulls up an HTML file, I know.
You put your SWF into an HTML using
File>Publish Settings and cliking HTML - Flash makes the file for you.
But, I’m an easygoing guy, I’ll cut and paste the code for you…and change it:
This goes on your button:
on (release) {
//customize the window that gets opened
// 0 equals NO.
// 1 equals YES.
address = "Drawing.html";
target_winName = "SharifDrawing";
width = 350;
height = 285;
toolbar = 0;
location = 0;
directories = 0;
status = 0;
menubar = 0;
scrollbars = 0;
resizable = 0;
//sends data back to the function
openWinCentre(address, target_winName, width, height, toolbar, location, directories, status, menubar, scrollbars, resizable);
then put this on your timeline:
Movieclip.prototype.openWinCentre = function (url, winName, w, h, toolbar, location, directories, status, menubar, scrollbars, resizable) {
getURL ("javascript:var myWin; if(!myWin || myWin.closed){myWin ='" + url + "','" + winName + "','" + "width=" + w + ",height=" + h + ",toolbar=" + toolbar + ",location=" + location + ",directories=" + directories + ",status=" + status + ",menubar=" + menubar + ",scrollbars=" + scrollbars + ",resizable=" + resizable + ",top='+((screen.height/2)-(" + h/2 + "))+',left='+((screen.width/2)-(" + w/2 + "))+'" + "')}else{myWin.focus();};void(0);");
Now you need to put your SWF into an HTML file called ‘Drawing.html’. Again, Flash will do this for you.
If you really just want to pull up the SWF file, change ‘Drawing.html’ to ‘Drawing.swf’.
You will have the entire path to that swf file in the title bar
- the only way around that is to use and HTML file an the <**title> tags.
I AM trying to help you, not piss you off.