Hi everyone,
I am sorry for possible offtopic, but I need your help in find new web hosting provider as soon as possible, because my current host (bluehost.com) is kicking me off, they say ‘your account is using a lot server resources’, but my website gets only about 200 visitors per day and my disk usage is 1500 MB (maybe they do not like that?)
Anyway, what would be your recommendations for getting reliable web hosting? Where are you hosting your websites? Are you happy with your providers?
I am now checking http://www.hosting24.com/ - offer looks very nice, but is it real that they can provide unlimited disk space?
I have contacted them about this question and they say something that “These days 500GB disk drive costs only $30 per month, so if some day we will run out of disk space we will simply add new 500GB disk drive with almost zero costs and you can continue uploading without any problems”.
What do you think about it? Maybe things have changed in last 4 years? With my current provider I get only 2GB of disk space for $10 per month…
Any ideas and suggestions are much appreciated.
well unlimited disk space, and unlimited data transfer is obviously a lie. I’ve had good experiences with luner pages (don’t do anything shady).also on most hosts TOS it sais they can kick you off without reason. so if you are being recource intensive your liable to get kicked from anywhere
I would go with one of the larger companies if your running just a standard web page. The main reliable ones are normally; Dreamhost, Mediatemple, 1and1, eleven2.
I’ve hosted with MediaTemple in the past and had a few problems but they’ve since been fixed and I know a few people here still have their websites with them. (including this forum itself)
I’m with eleven2 at the moment and they’re quite good, very affordable and reliable, customer suport is quite good. And I’ve had no problems or downtime.
jsu go to the main kirupa site, find the mediatemple 15% off click through, and sign up for a grid server. $180 or thereabouts for a year. I’m now on to my second site with them, after refferals from kirupa and other forum members, and they’re without a doubt the best I’ve ever been with. Support is generally answered before the time they estimate it at, I’ve spoken to staff to resolve issues before, and they were curteous and helpful, and the sites are really really configurable.
PS… unlimited anything is always bollox, unless it’s coffee refills or all the fresh air your lungs can breathe… Don’t listen to anyone who says otherwise, as they may be less than trustworthy… :lol:
Yea Like Biznuge said get a dedicated server. I don’t know about mediatempl but I know our office has a dedicated box with Server Intellect and have no problems with them.
actually, mediatemple Grid Servers aren’t dedicated boxes. They’re on a massive network of hardware called, strangely, “the grid”, but to be honest for small to medium sites, they seem like a fantastic solution. I may report back once the two sites currently under development go live to report performance, but my experience so far has been great, and if they can perform as well as their promo literature says they will on the grid, then I would appear to have no qualms.