Please help me

I am trying and trying to finish building the 3d flash site for i2i, but its getting really bad. I can´t do it alone. I have all the 3d stuff ready, all the models and the animations/rendering, but its getting difficult. I need badly a goof flash designer to give me a hand as much as he/she can. All I can give you back is Gratitude and a name as one of the admins on the site, for helping me out building the site. Everything looks a mess right now with the site. And my head is going round and round…sorry…but I am starting to get depressed…cries:puzzle:

i think it looks pretty cool at the moment make sure though that the background stays when you click for a new page. I’ll give u a hand as much as i can but I’m not exactly great. If you send me some files to for 2moz ill have a look what I can do. make sure u tell me what you want to I dont wanna do summet completely different to yours. I cant help u before tommorow though. and that will be the only day I have as well Im afraid. If i put on hold the site I was gonna try and finish for My uncle and Design company then ill give yours a good couple of hours.

Im starting to ramble so ill stop now email me some stuff im only on 56k at home though so dont send me to much or a least zip it


Rox - I’m sure you don’t need as much help as you think you do :slight_smile:

Take a break and come back to it - it sounds like you’ve been working to a plan, so the end is probably in sight - please don’t let it get you down!

Everyone here will help you in any way they can (as you know) - I’m not a flash goof but I know my way round Photoshop - if that helps, then let me know what I can do.

just to add about cellos post he’s right just take a break plan out what needs to be done and figure out how u need to do it. thats why web designing takes a while u think it will be easy then u realise there is more to the site than you thought plus every1 here will help as that is why they are members here.


Thank you for the nice ideas and advices. Its so **** difficult still…when there are so many ideas and you don´t know where to start…

Rox - Start at the beginning.

  1. Home page - Establish navigation. Establish conventions (fonts; colours; etc). Think of good directory structure on the server / set-up consistent file naming rules.
  2. Transitions - how?
  3. Content - proofed and ready? Message/purpose of site is clear?
  4. Then go to subsidiary pages and use the same methodology as above -

or in other words you’ve got creative block - like we all get :wink: - and your not seeing the wood for the trees. Strip the tasks down to their most fundamental level and then you’ll be able to develop it from there - and your creativity will flood back!

Go on girl - you know you can do it :slight_smile: