Hacked… Bigtime…
He moved my windows around. He made my mouse move. I saw him open my Half-Life and get my cd-key… he opended a full screen chat… and talked to me… he told me everything on AIm as he was doing it.
Please get his IP somehow if possible… His AIM scren name is: OmniWall
I am sitting behing a router and i got norton and i have yust TCP/IP installed. And I made every test on that site and I have no open port or something like that.
=> Buy router and deinstall ipx…
ZoneAlarm is a great program for sure and free is always good. Norton has a good personal firewall too but honestly - I dont think anything beat’s a router - imo anyway.
One question - why the hell didnt you just turn off your computer while he was on there…? That would have kicked him off.