Zone Alarm

Ok, i have a firewall called zone alarm. it hasnt stoped warning me about people trying to hack into my computer for a time period of 5 min. it is telling me that a person from aol is trying to get in. What do they want from me. I am getting angry. And then it gived me thir ip address:thumb:

edit ---- Woohoo a new Smilie ------:thumb: :evil:

You might have spyware/adware on your computer. That could be causing the firewall to go off.

i have scanned already. and nothing was found. it just keeps telling me about it. non stop. but hey atleast it works. :stuck_out_tongue:

Alex, there will always be people port scanning you so it is common to have the zone alarm go off that long.

but the weird thing is that it it just started going off alot starting today.

Ok i’m going to give you two choice you can either delete ZONE ALARM and download a very very nice program call BLACKICE which is the best **** firewall in the world to me or 2 just deal with them scanning.Most of them are just trying to set cookies in your computer no harm un-less there scaning on ports such as 17BlahBlah i forgot it go to google and ask for a list a trojans PORTS. :beam:

BlackIce? Never heard of this one before.
Why is it better then ZoneAlarm? I have a small network at home, with a single internet connection that I share with my brother via my PC. I don’t use ZoneAlarm, 'cause my brother’s PC doesn’t pass the ZA block… even if I configure its IP address.
Do you know if BlackIce can solve this?

*Originally posted by Kajinku *
**BlackIce? Never heard of this one before.
Why is it better then ZoneAlarm? I have a small network at home, with a single internet connection that I share with my brother via my PC. I don’t use ZoneAlarm, 'cause my brother’s PC doesn’t pass the ZA block… even if I configure its IP address.
Do you know if BlackIce can solve this? **

Well My Exgirlfriend is a programmer and she first told me about it it’s a great firewall for personal and other use it’s a very small and easy to use software just go GOOGLE it and you will find it :wink:

I have heard good things about black ice as well - a friend of mine uses it and says it’s great.

I personally use Zone Alarm Pro because I know how to use it and it hasnt let me down yet knock on wood so really, until I feel threatened I am going to stick with it.

im still a little confused, once some one has you IP address, what can they do?

nothing unless you are unprotected…

But you have Zone alarm - you should be fine. Almost anyone can get your ip number… it’s very simple.

quite alot if they know a bit.

::edit:: yes if your unprotected as stated, so I wouldn’t worry about it being that you have ZoneAlarm. If you are not then many things can be done, esp if you are unaware… I:-)


I solve that problem by using a hardware firewall with NAT. Port scan all day against it no biggie. Plus I don’t have to deal with alarms going off all day. Works out pretty well for me. =0)


i tried zone alarm and hated it. not only did it stink, (yes i took the time to learn how to use it :wink: ) but it also screwed up my computer, and i had to remove all traces of it b4 it was ok again. and i have heard it doing the same thing to other people as well, so i know it’s not just my sys. then i moved to norton and luv luv luv it! i’ve never had blackice, but i’ve heard good things about it.
portscanners are ijuts, and so are the luser hackers who think they are l33t and try to bust into my sys. but they can kiss my bum cuz i have firewall protection…whoohoo! hehe. one time this guy tried for like a REALLY long time. i KNOW it was a person and nt an auto thingie cuz i KNOW who he is. and he is a little pimply punk whO TalKs lIKe thiS aNd ThInKs He iS cOoL.