Site check

first i need to no if the flash, frame and links work

also comments

it is just the home page there is NO content

the links work…
i think maybe making the end of the menu fade away like the banner does… looks better !!

i thought that


oh yeah! cool colors and idea. Yeah, I agree, the nav should also
fade at the edges. I can’t wait to see the rest of it!

Good luck. :slight_smile:


i have chaged it


i don’t see the chacnge ? what did you change ??

the links fade at the side

i no it is becoz the old nav2.swf is in your cookies, **** ok 1 min


right idea, but the fade goes in too far. Try to shorten it up…

it’ll come, keep trying! :slight_smile:

you’re fast !!
yeah looks nicer… and yes unflux is right about the fade …

i will but it is 2am and i need sleep

me with sleep :slight_smile:

me without:angry:

Since your a beginner i have a few words to say.
-good work… for a beginner this is impressive work out of many i have seen.
-get a better host. there are some ad free host out there
-good idea no content but.

rating (for a beginner):
65% due to no content if you had content it would be 75 -85%