Pls. check the Fla

Hi guys,

I need help on this menu, I downloaded this somewhere and I ammended most of the design. I just used the actionscript. In the menu there are 5 sub-menus and each sub-menu have some buttons, but not the regular button that you can add AS on each
buttons. It is really way to complicated for me, I am still familiarising this flash. Well. what I’d like to do is when I click a button on the menus, it will load an external swf. (if you’re planning to tell me to search kirupa, I know how to add AS
when it is a regular flash button), but this is the first time that I have encountered this.

so if any of you guys knows the AS, I would really appreciate it if you can link me to a site or just tell me waht is the AS. And one more thing, when I mouse over the contacts menu, it doesn’t come bak to its original place. Also when I test the movie it shows the outut box, written “undefine”, would you possibly know what is the cause of that output box?

Please check it out, I’ve attached the fla.

thanks a lot.