Is there a way to be warned if you got PMed? Imean, if somebody PM you, you receive an email, or as soon you log on a popup-message tells you that you go a unread PM.
Is there a way to be warned if you got PMed? Imean, if somebody PM you, you receive an email, or as soon you log on a popup-message tells you that you go a unread PM.
Yeah… it is in your UserCP under Edit Options I believe.
I get an alert window, then when I click OK it opens up in a new window.
It is standard with vbulletin
Yep, it is there
Enable Private Messaging?
Allows people to send Private Messages to you yes no
Send you an email when you receive a Private Message? yes no
Pop up a box when you receive a Private Message?
This will pop up a small warning box when you receive a Private Message asking whether you want to view the message. yes no
I´ve searched for that for a long time.
Thanks man!
LOL, no problem
Guig0, you really should check out all the stuff in User CP… its actually quite useful and informative like turning the send email after every reply OFF is a godsend if lost has it turned on he must get like 50000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 emails from
Oh, I do have it turned on.
And yes, I do get a billion e-mails a day…lol.
UNREAL…tottaly UNREAL…oh wait is it ur spam email? where all spam goes? or is that how you reply to each thread? read the email then delete? doesn’t it get confusing???
No, I just go into my e-mail and delete all of it. I don’t know why I have it enabled, I guess it just makes me feel special because I don’t get much mail, not even that much spam mail…lol.
But that doesn’t mean I want people e-mailing me left and right, it just means that I like having 143 messages I can delete. Makes me feel powerful…lol.
:sigh: :crazy: Power is in the eye of the beholder
some people crave money, some women, some crave blowing frogs up with firecrackers up their ***(Geroge Bush) and then we have our lostinbeta who craves deleting emails
what a glorious world we live in!!
on a serious note, what is the meaning of life?:q:
Mak stands for malkavian? It should be!
you´ve watched monty phyton´s meaning of life? your answer is there young man. All of them.
nope, i’m just a sociopathic psychotic :crazy:
Gotta get one of these for me.
yea i thought of it by myself !!! i am so proud because it defines me so well because i am more of a sociopath than a psyhco but i am both because i AM crazy but i don’t care
aren’t you simply a street flasher
I am a bi-polar possible schitzotypal.
Self description… true though… ■■■■… I have to come up with a fake one.
How about weirdo freak? Can I have that?
arent you lostinbeta? i wish i could have thought of that first
True I am Lost In Beta. Literally.
I am glad I thought of it :beam:
Mak fits you though
what´s the fun in that? I keep scaring ppl by showing them my private parts. the worst is if they don´t scream they laugh:(
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