Lonely Threads?

I started a new thread to give feedback to a tutorial Jubba wrote but he/she weren’t and still aren’t online, I think :q: Since no one posted anything it disappeared from the new threads list. Is it just me or does everyone only scan the new threads?

worries that Jubba won’t see thread :-\

Or will it somehow magically make its way to Jubba?


nah… it’s just a slow night. Jubba will see the reply when he gets back online. :slight_smile:

coolness, maybe all you regulars can let him know for me please :beam:

click on this button below one of jubbas posts and send him a private message (PM):

PM button -->

Cheers :bounce:

well… to tell you the truth, I never scan below the 7th newest thread… and I never notice whether I have a pm or not…

How can you not know you have a PM? It builds up in your UserCP! Click in there and you see it right at the top with the little icon and everything :stuck_out_tongue:

Plus I have mine to notify me so I get a javascript alert saying I have a new one then it opens it in a new window.

yeah… I almost never go into user cp though… lol. Plus… I’ve gotten pms (haha… I mean, pm’s) and the popup has never showed up. and I have it enabled, and I’ve gotten my messages on two different computers.

How can you never go to your CP?

he said alomos sin… :wink:

i have both options activated alert and email

i never receive any of those … no alert … no email :-\

Really? I get both alerts and e-mails. Always have.

And yeah Lava… the UserCP is like an important part of the forum. It is where you can see who has replied to your threads and if you have PMs. And it is where you edit all your options of course…lol.

posted by lostinbeta
Really? I get both alerts and e-mails. Always have.

yeah … it sucks :frowning:

Hrm… your 100% sure you have those options checked as yes? (stupid question, but Ive never experienced problems with it so I am stumped)

lol … are you kidding me !!? :stuck_out_tongue:
of course they are activated :smirk:

I have the email notification so when someone replies my MSN pops up.

they weren´t default for me either…