Pocket Tanks

Hey everyone, this is kinda like random and such… but moderately relevant.

I just downloaded this cool game called pocket tanks from here
It’s this really cool game where you have to decide the angle of trajectory(horrible spelling) and the power and your on alterable terrain and there is this huge amount of weapons and you can download expanisions and stuff.

It’s like a really souped up old school game. Kinda like that one where the monkeys through bananas at eachother… but I don’t know if anyone ever played that other than me. Anyway, you should definately check it out, good time waster and highly addicting and I think it would be a cool if someone made a stripped down one in flash.

Sorry for rambling, but it’s a fun game and I thought I’d share my happy little discovery:beam:

oh and if you feel this is too spam-like
just delete at will :wink:

you gonna post a link, or a screenshot, or anything other than your uninterupted joy?

huh, are you?



I actually attempted to make a game like this a while ago. not quite as in depth but still fun. :slight_smile:

i see all my classmates play it at school… never tried it though…

seems fun though :slight_smile:

it says click “here”

for the seeing impaired mods:

thats “hailstorm” and it’s good to use when you get your oponent in like a pit or something.


its like that kick *** one for mac, tank wars

in the dark blue style, links do not show on my monitor/browser/phase of the moon…

prolly better to say “click here for link” or somthing…

thanks for the info tho…


*Originally posted by xxviii *
**it says click “here”

for the seeing impaired mods:

thats “hailstorm” and it’s good to use when you get your oponent in like a pit or something.

hizzappy? **

hostility? he meant no harm.

lol i was kidding, i wasnt really mad
it doesnt show on my thing either so its a biotch to find links

shoulda made it more clear


I knew that…

No harm done…



How do I address you now Thoriphes… T? The mod formerly known as T?
Well anyway, I wasn’t really mad or anything… I swear

Don’t hurt me, please?

I want my title to be colored!

you were lucky you posted that quick, cause i was about to go banSHIZOWA on yo *****. :stuck_out_tongue:
um, you can address me as " " if you want. “Master” also works as well as “Thoriphes”, “thoriphes”, “ThORiPHes”, “t”, “T”, “Mr. T”, (you get the point).

*Originally posted by xxviii *
**How do I address you now Thoriphes… T? The mod formerly known as T?
Well anyway, I wasn’t really mad or anything… I swear

Don’t hurt me, please? **

If you are ever concerned, “Sir” usually offends no one…



*Originally posted by morse *
**I want my title to be colored! **
what color would you like? you deserve it, it’s your birthday. therefore, you can only have it for today. tomorrow it’s back to normal. ([v][/v]:stuck_out_tongue: j/k).

hum… bold and white?

um, ok but that won’t look too good on some backgrounds, namely the whi[v][/v]te ones.

thats ok

hey Mr. T

why is there a “footer does not adhere to guidelines” in most of your posts?