Vrrrroooooooooooommmmmm! F



Just having some fun, and I wanted to learn how to make my own realistic turning thingamabob =). And yes there is a reason for everything in this file :sure:

[edit] Oh and "Vrrrroooooooooooommmmmm! F " is a quote from maddox :wink: [/edit]

cool, itā€™s a bubble powered Valium!

you should be getting paid for these thingsā€¦

great jobā€¦ very smooooooooth



Maddox = funny

thats really super neeto!

Rev: Actually thats pretty close :stuck_out_tongue: And I wish I was getting paid for these, but until then they are just to occupy my time and help me improve some of my coding :slight_smile:

morse: Yes, maddox is funny.

28: spiffy keen! thanks :slight_smile:

awesome!! =)

Thanks ahmed, compares nothing to your stuff though, you server-side genius!

Anywho, I edited the first post.

lol :trout:

nice file, like your scripting-style lol :slight_smile:

Great work dude :thumb:

flies ship weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee :thumb:

I like how it can go backwards. hmmm how does the rocket do that? :wink:

cool lib :slight_smile:

wheeeeeeeeeeeā€¦ I always wanted a bubble powered rocket. I could play with that for hours!

I used to have a water (pressure) powered rocket :beam: I played with it for hours it was red and was shaped just like losts! you filled it like 1/2 way with water, hooked up the pump, pressured it up and let her rip. good times.

*Originally posted by senocular *
**I like how it can go backwards. hmmm how does the rocket do that? :wink:

cool lib :slight_smile: **
it doesnā€™t. that rocket has a sophisticated array of afterburners directed in the opposite direction, so when the pilot goes in reverse, it kills the main rocket engine and activates the reverse engines. if you keep zooming in, you should see them. :stuck_out_tongue:

I had lots of fun playing with that, lib. I was able to practice my parallel parking with it. i realized that i canā€™t even virtual parallel. :frowning:

sen: nothing was more fun than making exploding 2-liter bottles: vinegar and baking soda. i once blew the top off a high-end plastic test tube/vial that was about two millimeters thick. i used dry ice and water on that one :slight_smile:

science is so much fun.

weeeeee! I could play with/ride lostinbetaā€™s rocket aaaaaallll day :wink: :wink:

aw man, i just thought of something. iā€™ve gotta make a multiplayer flash racing game. pass variables through PHP, maybe?

i think this will be my next project, screw my site, that can wait. if anybody wants to help, lemme know.

that would be cool. sending the variables that quickly thru PHP might not be the most efficient thing, but its possible. If you need any help let me know.

Wow nice jobā€¦ Its only a few floating rocks away from astroid. =0)


*Originally posted by ahmed *
**lol :trout:

nice file, like your scripting-style lol**

I hope you were being sarcastic (-: I have some of the sloppiest coding ever, but I can read and edit it fine so I donā€™t care :bad:

*Originally posted by Voetsjoeba *
**Great work dude **


*Originally posted by senocular *
**I like how it can go backwards. hmmm how does the rocket do that?

cool lib **

Itā€™s a pill with wings that blasts bubbles and you choose to focus on the fact that it can go backwards? Quite interesting :stuck_out_tongue: But as I said in my first post I have my reasons :evil: But if it will set your mind at ease, I slowed down the reverse and made the bubbles lighter to make it appear as though it was being propelled backwards via ā€œafterburners directed in the opposite directionā€ as Thor stated. Maybe I didnā€™t achieve that too well :stuck_out_tongue:

*Originally posted by thoriphes *
I had lots of fun playing with that, lib. I was able to practice my parallel parking with it. i realized that i canā€™t even virtual parallel.

Iā€™m hoping to take my driving test on this =)

And great idea on the multi-player racing game!!

*Originally posted by asphaltcowboy *
weeeeee! I could play with/ride lostinbetaā€™s rocket aaaaaallll day


*Originally posted by Niann *
Wow nice jobā€¦ Its only a few floating rocks away from astroid. =0)

Hmm, good pointā€¦ perhaps one day I will expand, but I donā€™t know. I am not much of a game programmer, never had an interest in that side, but that may change in the future.

wow, thats so cool!!!