I hope someone can help me out ´cos the task I´m facing right now seems kind of tedious.
Here´s the deal:
I am making an intro for a site. It´s a 3d animation of a house planted on a human brain. I want to start the intro by drawing the first frame on screen. I want various points drawing the borders of the objects i have in my intro. My problem is, I need curves traced on screen. I´m fairly new to Flash and so far the only solution I see right now is doing a frame by frame animation. It´s going to take a lot of time and I´m sure there must be a better way. If it was all straight lines I´d use tweening, but the curves are not being drawn like i would like to. I would really appreciate a link to a tutorial page for example. Or maybe just a hint.
Ok then, wainting for answers…