Pom! flash math creativity!

I know you got this book, and I was just wondering if it was worth it. If anyone else has any opinions let me know. It looks good, and i want to get it if ya’ll give it some good reviews.

i got this book too. so much script. you should get it. it really helps with learning actionscript.

thanks thor. I heard it was great. i’ll order it monday, hopefully I’ll have it friday.


Only a curiosity , how much does it cost in USA ?



www.bookpool.com has it for 32.50 or something like that.

MMMKT did you get my e-mail? my computer is down, i will try to help you at the begining of next week sometime. sorry. :slight_smile:

Yes I received , thank you for your concerning , take your time , it is no urgent.
I answered your email and commented it ´s very strange
someone to delete your files ?!!
You do need to back up frequently your files.


It’s a beautiful book. But I can’t get the trees to work :frowning:
pom 0]

Dont worry pom, i’ll get it and then i’ll show you how its done:lol: :lol: :wink:

MMKT I’ll have my computer and ICQ back late tomorrow, so I should be able to talk to you then. yes, i would have backed up my files, but my computer had only been running two weeks, and I didn’t really have anything on it. So I was ok…my computer was hacked into…fun. ok i’m off for breakfast.

is that the name of the book “flash math creativity”?
also I should be able to order it through kirupas site, does that sound right?
Thanks all :wink:

yes it is. and yes you can

thanks jubba, I’d better get me some of that then :slight_smile:

I will be on line on icq waiting for you Jubba;

i got the book today! i cant wait to break into it! i’m excited. MMKT if you see this, I’m having some trouble with my ICQ…hopefully i’ll be able to get it soon, and I’ll try to help ya with your problem…