Pond of squares into another movie

HI, I followed your tutoriaql for a pond of squares and I made an animation that I then tried to integrate as a background ofmy main navigation area.

this is what I did:

  1. made the pond of squares animation and tested it, worked perfectly
  2. imported the pond of squares animation as a movie clip symbol, I noticed that the tweens in the symbol turned into individual keyframes which was already kinda funny
    3)I just places the symbol on an individual layer in my animatin and tested it

any idea of what Im missing?

will be so greateful to get some help

flash mx newbie:crazy:

Don’t import it like that. Either load it with loadMovie, or copy/paste the clip into your new project.

pom :+)

Or you could just not bother importing it… Build the pool of squares in the same movie as your main Flash one, so you can just drag a symbol over to the Stage and it’s done.