I’m making a presentation in flash. I would like to show some of my previous work in flash (.swf-files) The presentation is fullscreen and i publish it as an .exe file.
In the presentation there are several links. When you click on one of those, a own made pop-up opens. In this pop-up i would like to show the animation (.swf file)
But…I found out that some of the .swf files don’t work when you import them into flash…
So instead i used the load movie command. (I’m not very good in actionscript)
The swf file opens, but not IN the pop-up. How do i do that?
My pop-up now dissapears and my swf starts to play
I hope you know what i mean and i hope someone can help me
I’ve already tried sooo much!!
from what i understand you want to make something like a powerpoint presentation? , but in flash , and to show flash orientated work.
Based on that your pop ups are html, maybe you can create a html page for each flash movie that you want to pop up . So all you would have to do is call get url in the flash movie and then the html with load and play the flash that has been embedded in that particular html.
But in my honest opinon , would you like to have pop ups everywhere in a presentation, it would be better to have all the work set in one place, and just have a navigation with buttons to load external movie. would be neater.