Portfolio menu!

Hey there! After a short break I’m still stuck on this one…
I’m trying to create a menu… that can be easily updatable
with actionscript in a txt file… (menu.txt)

However, the files (swf) have to load in mc (dropstage).
here’s the code for the menu (menu.txt)

var myButtons = new Array("1","2");
var myClickURLs = new Array("1.swf","2.swf")

for (var i=0; i<myButtons.length; i++){
	// Copy from library to stage
	_root.attachMovie("coolbutton", "but"+i, i);
	// Create shortcut to this new coolButton in memory
	var but_mc = eval("_root.but"+i);
	// Store textLabel in movieclip so it
	// can be found byu the textlabel mc
	but_mc.textLabel = myButtons*;
	but_mc.clickURL = myClickURLs*;
	// Position the movieclip
	but_mc._x = 300;
	but_mc._y = 200;
	if (i>0){
		but_mc._y = eval("_root.but"+(i-1))._y + eval("_root.but"+(i-1))._height;
	// Make movieclip visible

and for the buttons…

on (rollOver, dragOver) {
on (rollOut, dragOut) {
on (release) {
    loadMovie("clickURL", "_root.drop");

There might be a problem with the onrelease action…
Does anyone know how to solve this one?
I couldn’t find my posted topic… 2nd round!

loadMovie(“clickURL”, “_root.drop”);
should be
loadMovie(clickURL, “_root.drop”);

It works! so f#cking amazing!
After 4 weeks :slight_smile:

Now the only thing I’ve to do is to add a preloader for the swfs…

Thank YOU! :crazy: