This is my first time posting on the kirupa forums, even though i have looked through them about a million times. But here is my portfolio site: I am submitting this because I have been looking for a new job for a couple of months and have had some very positive feedback but no new job yet. Currently i am working for a software company making basic websites advertising their products but i would really like to get into a company that is more into flash and interactive site creation. If any of you know of some companies that are looking for a flash design/developer then pass on there website to me please.
The design is very inconsistent. When I saw the “clouds” move by I assumed you were going for a grunge style. Then you went for a minimalist Apple/Web 2.0 style, but the font on the panels don’t work well with that look at all. Also, everything is too slow. I don’t want to wait to see content. I want it right away, so speed up those transitions. Also, the transitions are inconsistent. When you click on a panel the information fades in but when you click out it just disappears. When the panel falls back the words refade in when they shouldn’t. It looks awkward the way the panel titles slide to make room for the content. The carousel would look better if the images were persistent. And the blue words don’t seem to fit the color scheme.
Personally I think the site looks very amateurish, and I’d be shocked if you got a job based on this portfolio.
A few things that may help:
No need for a splash page, and if you insist on having one make it look better
No need to tell the user what they need to view the site, that should be done behind the scenes if they don’t have the required version of the flash player then you show a message
Get rid of the hit counter, people use those for myspace accounts not a portfolio and why oh why the popup?
Design is poor
Motion is way to slow
I only looked at one section. I would start from scratch and give it another go, we all get better the more we do things.
It’s a rough road having your work stepped upon and believe me, we’ve all, ALL been there at some point. I have to agree to some extent with the previous speakers… Think this is a scrap and redo. Sorry champ
Digitalosophy, did you intentionally link your homepage to
As for the rocker website, it’s forgettable. I feel like a broken record when I write these things, start with a concept, plan your website, apply the concept to the plan, execute, deploy. If you plan it out on paper with a solid concept from the start, there is no way you can fail. Another good inspiration is to watch this thread for one month and take lots of notes on every new portfolio site you see appear here. Then throw those notes away and do something you’ve never seen here before. You will win.
From what I can see you know how to do everything to make a GREAT website, the design just lacks inspiration. Remember the portfolio is meant to sell yourself, so you’ve got to show whoever is looking at it that you can implement all the styles that are popular right now, or create a cool concept flash that also displays your work.