i burnt a cd with some director and flash exe’s (flash player and projector)
i created and burnt them on a pc
my sister tried to open them on a mac - she was able to see the file and click them but got a message saying that the program was not on the computer, therefore they could not be viewed.
so my question is - am i exporting them wrong? i was under the impression that they would work on mac or pc, but im prolly wrong
as far as i know exe is not a supported format on macintosh … they have another file format for executables. you should look in your publish settings for director. it maybe easier just to make it into a webpage and put that on a cd that way it will be viewed by internet explorer’s flash / shockwave plugin
as far as i know you’re not going to find a free host that doesnt have banners … they gotta pay for the servers somehow. when you sign up for a plan you should look closely at what they offer, how reliable their servers are and how fast they are too. you don’t wand prospective clients / employers being tied up in a long cue on a slow server. just be careful
i too am looking to host my portfolio. yahoo is more expensive than 30 a year … i think its 15 a month … but they have really reliable servers all over the US and it comes with domain forwarding so i can have www.myname.com or whatever.
i have a yahoo.site account for my father, it is 30$ a month which he is paying, but they have some pretty strong template guidelines www.patricksgallery.com
i think yahoo does have a cheaper one that u can basically control everything with html
ill find out the name an re post
p.s. - if anyone checks that site, does someone know the best way to optimize those graphics - the buttons, etc
i believe they are small gifs now but the quality is ass
photoshop is in my opinion the best optimizer … just do file > saveForWeb
as far as yahoo … i have a few sites on there and they have no template restrictions for us. i can put whatever i want up there as long as its not illegal
we get 20gb bandwidth a month i believe and we can have a few subdomains too … its not bad at all
go webhosting.com it is an SBC network co. For 25 (if you pre pay for a year you get two monts free) a month you get about 200megs of space and a crapload of bandwidth… they have great tech support, hundreds of server locations (after all SBC manages over 60 million connections)… I use them for all my sites, just something to look into.