Post your Desktop!

It’s fun. I gives people a chance to show what your Desktop looks like, it sorta reflects what kind of person you are. :+)

I’ll start with mine.

is that all you have on your desktop?? :slight_smile: It’s blank… is that a statement? jk lol

right now I have a half naked picture of Christina Agulara (sp?) on my desktop… I think it says, “this guy has bad taste”. :stuck_out_tongue:

oooh…glad to see you made it to teh wacky world of Random:P

my desktop huh…well first i gotta remove all the incriminating evidence pr0n clears throat coughs anyways…and the other “illegal in North America” but not illegal in other places stuff…i’ll get back to you, i tell you my desktop is strange

First one messed up… kicks her tower

Had to shrink it too :stuck_out_tongue:

ooh i like that pose :stuck_out_tongue: lets just say i have a girl in a similar pose with a lot less clothing :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue:

Keep it clean Mak… sheesh.

My desktop is a wall of icons…lol.

Lol, I think EVERYONE should post there desktop…well, only if it doesn’t have nakie people on it… ahems :smirk:

gotta love little anime girls…

Agulera is actually gone. I had put it up as a joke to bug my fiance. She got annoyed so it’s gone. What I really have up is a boring Window’s 2000 default screen. And before both of those I had pics of Kitiara’s up.

But I have no pics of my desktop.

This is the box art from the orc box of Warcraft 3. Best picture desktop I could find since the picture is on the right while the left side is black making icons easily visible.

Hit what, F12? And paste it into Paint, I think…

No, hit Print Screen then paste it into a graphics program.

No wait…

Lil button on keyboard that says “Prt Scrn-SysRq” or something like that, NEAR the F12 key…that works, just tested it. I was close

Lol, you terds, got to posting the right way like seconds before me

AHHH, HELP ME. I already printed screen and pasted in paintbrush, then clicked “attatch file” and attatched the screen shot (bmp file), and then it takes 2 years for my message to post, and the attatchment hyperlink isn’t here, HELP. Do i need to decrease size? its 1280 x 1204 32 bit color.

Save it as a JPG too, I had to do that, cause BMP was like friggin huge, almost 2megs

this better freaking work. Had to resize to 800 x 640 (why its not 600 i don’t know) and jpg’ed it.

Lol, some people have pretty girls on there desktops, some have ugly Orges or something…No biggie…if thats what you prefer then…right on. :beam:

who can guess what my desktop is?


Nah, the picture is of a grunt from Warcraft 3. Its the cover art on the games box. I haven’t been able to find any high quality pictures from any of the other games I’ve played, so I use this.

That’s an awesome Desktop there Nali! I like to keep my desktop very simple with hardly anything distracting: (204k)

Having a picture of an orc on my desktop would temp me into playing WarCraft III everytime I turn the comp on!

Kirupa :hat: