This is to anyone who has been having a problem with the tuts on this site, specifically the ones covering the photo albums and especially the ones that load external swf’s into the main “index” swf. There have been a couple of threads with questions regarding the movies not working once loaded into an html page (myself included). The recommendations were that somehow the paths were mixed up or that the “_root” had changed, etc. Well, tonight I think I’ve finally stumbled on the fix, which probably isn’t really a fix but just doing something right. Originally I thought to just import the swf into a ready made html page through Dreamweaver. What I did tonight was to use Publish Preview in Flash, and it automatically produced an HTML document. When I test that HTML, it works, so I’m just going to use that and put in the other page content around it.
Frankly, I don’t know why I have to have Flash make the HTML or why it didn’t work when I imported the flash movie into my web page template. I’m sure there is some logical explanation that I am unaware of and probably should know about. Regardless, I spent so stinking long changing and “fixing” my paths, and still not getting the stupid thing to work, that I’m just happy something is, and I thought I would share with the rest.
Good luck, and I hope this helps. PS, if any gurus can comment on the whys, it would really help us newbies.