Trouble publishing frontpage

hi my name is joe,
new to this forum, but i have used it to help myself along in flash. i feel quite dumb posting because i have already read how to do this step by step, unfortunately, I can only seem to get it to work… by accident.

My problem is this. When I import a finished movie into frontpage for publishing, (in my case the movie happens to be a full website), and I upload the .swf and .html files onto my host server, I can quite figure out the correlation to get them to sync together so that when you goto the address it loads it?

I was renaming the index.htm and that worked, or I thought. and i also tried copy pasting the html in between the <body> tags into the pafe itself, and it works when you test preview it, but not when I upload and try to get it to work.

I know its something so simple, but I cant put my finger on it. Like I said I did have this working, but fumbled with it and now I cant seem to get it back working after I updated the site.

Thanks in advance to anyone who might be able to point out the obvious.