
i have a movie but i just need to learn about pre-loaders.

can i have action-script so it loads say frame 2-70 then when i press a button it loads 71-80.

also how do you make a movie clip last the length of the load, i can make a continues movie but say something is been drawn as it loads. i need that

thanks for any tuts and help:)

come on:angry:

dunno what you mean

but preloaders are simple


  1. in 1st frame make 100x10px rectangle
  2. register it as a symbol with RP on the left side
  3. give it an actions:
    [AS] onClipEvent(enterFrame) {
    _xscale = 100*(_root.getBytesLoaded()/_root.getBytesTotal())
    _xscale >=1 ? : _root.gotoAndPlay(1);

should work…

check this site out for preloaders, it has a few hundred tuts on it =)

just type “preloaders” on the search box above if u want!!