ok so now i’ve got this movie running, thannks in no small help to ppl on this board…and i want to put a preloader on the fornt end so ppl don’t freak while they wait. ok so all the preloader tricks i tried not only don’t show the preloader progress but even worse they stop my movie from starting…all i get is the sound and the preloader graphics…so…what’s a newbie to do except ask for help here I just don’t get how the timeline is supposed to look? or how to put the preloader in there?
maybe you should post some code.
Imagine this, you post on a medical forum saying, “I got this lump, what should i do?”
k where is the code and how do I post it? thanks
the code that you are using to preload, there IS a little code involved, or even post your FLA. Which tutorial are you following?
my fla is 12 MGs so it’s over the limit. the code ? do you mean the action script? thanks again…is defective here now<2 i got the preloader off a tutorial here on flash mx, it’s supposed to be simple but…I’m afraid that I’m far more simple that it is today…laughs at himself here.
the tutorial is from here
actions layer script is
totalBytes = Math.round(getBytesTotal()/1024);
loadedBytes = Math.round(getBytesLoaded()/1024);
percentDone = Math.round((loadedBytes/totalBytes)*100);
if (_root._framesloaded>=_root._totalframes) {
preloader layer script is
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_xscale = _root.percentDone;
like I said U just can’t figure out how to put it into the time line of an already existing movie…hope this helps