Pre-loading in movies loaded with the 'loader' component

Hi all,

Here is my problem. I have one movie with scenes, in the different scenes a ‘loader’ component is used to load an outside .swf. This works fine. I added pre-loaders to the outside SWFS and now when the preloader tells the movieclip loaded into the ‘loader’ componenet to goto scene 2, frame 1 – it goes to scene 2 frame 1 of the ROOT movie, not the one loaded in the ‘loader’ component.

Basically, I have a scene at the start of each outside loaded .swf file with a preloader that tells the movie to advance to the next scene when the movie is loaded. I was expecting it to advance to the next scene in THAT movie, not at the root level.

I hope this makes sense, very confused.

thanks so much, md