Preloader Help

Hi there, really need some help.

I’m currently building a simple online portfolio for myself in Flash.

At the moment there is a Homepage, InDesign Page and a Photography page.

Each page is on a different scene and is linked by having the following code for the buttons:

indesign_btn.onRelease = function()
 gotoAndStop("Indesign Page 1", 1);

I put it online at the weekend and it works, however the file is quite big and on the InDesign page there are 24 thumbnails and sometimes they don’t all load because the file itself is still loading.

I now realise I need a preloader but have never done one before. I have looked at tutorials but they all seem to be for websites that have pages on different frames rather than scenes unless i’ve read them wrong.

Could anyone help me out? I just want it to be simple like a text box with the percentage going up. Do I need a scene before homepage with all the code in it or is there a better way.

Any help would be greatly appreciated