Preloader Problem!

I am looking for a preloader that can load 50 frames for example…and from frame 50 to load to frame 100 and so on.

frame 1 is stop when I click a button I say button! go and play frame 2 and stop at frame 50 at frame 50 I have an other button when I say to the button from frame 50 … go and play frame 51 and stop at frame 100 …at frame 100 I have an other button and so on… my point is… I want to preload the frames … before i arive to the frame 50 wher i have an other button…

frame 1|preload and play …frame 50|preload and play

I have an idea to … i cand make it on scenes … an before the scene is playid … is loaded … but the preloader dont’t work…
Can anyone help ? Please !