hey all,
i have a main movie with an empty mc. I load an external swf1 --> this preloads fine
i then load external swf2 into an empty mc in external swf1 --> this DOES NOT preload, how come??? the code is below
here are the names of the clips (by the way, just noticed that there is a mistake in the code i wrote below with these lines:
bytes_loaded = Math.round(_parent.container.knock.getBytesLoaded());
bytes_total = Math.round(_parent.container.general.left.knock.getBytesTotal());
ignore that, the new code is (it still doesn’t work)
EMPTY MC 1 in _root = container
MC IN first loaded SWF = general
EMPTY MC 2 in loaded SWF = knock
I am loading a swf into this second empty mc (knock).
have you tried using _root instead of parent??? its all about targetting and maybe not specifying the second mc name in the knock mc could be the problem im not sure im not at home now, working and cant whip out a quick flash test here sorry too much work but try using _root intead and post your results
hey grim,
i tried _root but its still not working. You can see what i mean at http://www.solidhang.com/tonytemp/homepage.html --> click on INSTALLATION --> click on VIDEOS --> click on the first big window that come up when the slider menu loads (ill turn light blue). The movie loads without the preloader,