Preloading external files, confused

Hey guys,

I hope you guys can help me with this.
I’m an audiovisual interactive design student on a school that’s screwed up. We work projectbased and this particular project requires a lot of flashstuff. But, we don’t get taught anything by our teachers and we’re supposed to find out ourselves once we need something with google and the likes. I wonder what I’m paying my schoolfunds for…

Anyway! I’m working on my last project this year and it’s an interactive DVD for our yearbook. On this dvd, several projects of students is displayed.

I’ve made a root.exe projector file that’s small on size and only displays a picture, some audio and a button that activates another .swf with an animation to the next screen. I load this one with the loadMovieNum command.

After this animation, it will load a new .swf (again loadMovieNum, and in the new one unloading the layer below it) with many active buttons and animations… it’s the biggest .swf I have and I don’t think I can split it up.

Locally… everything works just fine with hardly any pauses between the files loading. When I test it on a dvd though, the wait time is about 5 seconds and flash seems to be freezing. This is because of the lack of a preloader and reading speeds of a dvdr drive

I’ve been looking around for preloading external files and I’ve read alot about them… and tried alot too, but I can’t seem to get it to work. I believe it’s because I’m using loadMovieNum instead of loadMovie. I tried changing the way it’s reading containers to levels, but that doesn’t seem to work.

My deadline is tomorrow and I need to get it done today. What I want essentially is:
When clicking the button on the first screen, a preloader appears, loading the content for the next two .swf’s thats going to be loaded. And this working with loadMovieNum. This, so that the users aren’t disoriented by not seeing it’s loading, thinking it’s freezing.

I’ve learned a lot from this site and I’d like to thank you guys for that. I’m sure with a lot of reading and research I can do this myself… but there just isn’t much time.

I’m hoping you guys can help me, thanks for reading,

Use MovieClipLoader class and manage layers with target movieclip depths. try it out…