Now my movie is 60 frames long, the above will only preload the first 30 frames right? So If I have a button that goes to frame 35 on the main timeline and on frame 35 is MC1, can I have a preloder within this MC1 which is 55 frames long? I am just trying to get away from loading seperate swf’s into levels!
Also, it seems to me you are defining variables that aren’t being used. The ifFrameLoaded () synatx is a preloader in itself. The bytes_loaded and all are for doing stuff like
Hi, I am using Flash 5! So I can’t use the above for an MC then? is there a different syntax for that?
Basically I want eliminate the need to loadmovie’s in for each of my sections.
I Want to first load in the site and not the 5 specific MC’s. (I have read about this somewhere before and it is possible, I just can’t remember or find it)
So when any of the 5 MC’s is called I want to place a preloader in it, as if I was loading another movie to another level!
Yeah, you’d need to use other syntax. Unfortunately, I’ve never used Flash 5 and I don’t know it’s syntax, so someone else’ll have to help you with this.
Thanks anyway! Actually I have been thinking about this and I will use the load movie command after all. Just a quick question is this the best way to creat a flash site?:
Have a blank movie (level0) with one frame which loads in the main movie into level50. (50 levels should be enough)
Then all the other movies can be loaded in under the main movie.